Do I Need Help?

Life is not perfect. We could get moody, sad or stressed at whim. How would we know though, if we don’t assess it? We deserve to be the happiest, most dynamic and best version of ourselves. Sometimes all that is missing, is the right questions; answers to which can reveal solutions to so many problems in our  daily life. Awareness a step towards mindfulness.

How is your mood? Do you get stressed a lot? Does nervousness prevent you from accomplishing the simplest of tasks? Is your thinking very negative these days? Find out answers to these questions and more with assessment tests by Dr Shefali. Click on any of these boxes to access questions relating to your concern right now.

Do I Have

Might I Be

What's My
Gratitude Attitude?

Am I

How's My
Sleep Hygiene

Am I Immune
To Stress

Am I Satisfied With
My Relationship

How Empathic Are You? Let’s Find Out!