Time Management Training

Time Management in Corporate Organizations

Cross functional teams in complex corporate environments carry multiple role responsibilities. With so many diverse functions, such environments are prone to distractions that derail productivity and decrease efficiency. Effective time management allows employees to focus on their work, contributing to productivity and enhancing performance. Corporate organizations have a lot to lose if employees don’t realize the importance of time. That is why time management skills are essential to developing and sustaining success for employees, teams as well as the organization.

Time is Never Enough

Barring cultural differences in the calendar and time keeping; the earth completes one rotation in 24 hours, the moon its revolution in 14 days, a year has 52 weeks and to the most, 366 days. And this is the same for all of us. Time and tide wait for nobody. Time isn’t a person we control or a commodity we can grow. It’s intangible. We’re granted a given amount and we must make the most of it. Time management involves making the best of whatever time we have available at hand. It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The answer lies in good time management.

Problems with Time

We all face a twofold difficulty with time: finding enough of it, and using it wisely when found. The Pareto Principle or the 80:20 rule insists that 80% of unfocused effort gives only 20% results. This means that the remaining 80% results can be achieved with only 20% of the effort. And so, optimization of time is imperative, so that high pay off tasks get accomplished faster. At least that is what the wise man would do. Time management is really a process of organizing and planning how to mindfully and reasonably allocate your time between different activities, each being important. Failing to manage time damages everyone’s efficiency and is the leading cause of stress at all ages.
time management is working smarter not harder

Time Prioritization and Scheduling

Time is a scare resource. There’s always too much to do and such little time, so prioritization is even more important today. Managing time really means planning rightly, highlighting key tasks, and avoiding procrastination. Few employees use time tables but off late calendar apps and time planners are in trend; this not only sets the plan and priorities, but also gives feedback on how far they are from their goals. So, they can modulate speed to reach the summit in the allocated time span. Time management keeps everyone on top of their game.

The Plan to Plan

Planning also requires planning. Some people like to dedicate specific days of the week to specific tasks, and others slot these at different times in a day. This can vary from person to person. We all do this, we reserve weekends for family and friends, and weekdays for work. But occasionally we do work on weekends and do attend a family function on weekdays too. It’s best to implement a mixture of both, where you could take a longer time to establish the basics, followed by a number of shorter periods to go over and structure what you’ve already planned. For larger and more difficult goals, it is efficient to try to structure regular, small periods of work and monitor progress. Switching between tasks can help if you tend to get bored of a particular one easily and can come back to it when you are energized.

Workshop Focus

Workplace Suggestions

Successful individuals do not sit in the urgent-important quadrant of the activity matrix. Type A personalities aren’t always the highest achievers. Those who manage their time exceptionally well improve their ability to perform effectively – even when time is scarce and pressures are high. Time management demands a critical shift in focus from activities to results. Because being busy isn’t the same as being effective.

Workshop Style With Dr Shefali

Dr Shefali’s workshops and webinars are not isolated events. Humans lose 80% of what they listen to in ordinary conversation as well as lectures and presentations. Memory laws insist that reinforcement is imperative to cement ideas and values into the consciousness as well as subconscious automated mind.

That is why we like to precede workshops with an online assessment tool that employees complete confidentially and get individualized reports. This builds an appetite for the subject and raises questions in curious minds. After this, the workshops and webinars disperse evidence-based information delivered in a friendly and interactive manner; and we sum it up with follow up suggestions and material to take home so they can savor and imbibe it with time.

At MindFrames we support time management with the bottom-up approach of individual-level interventions (education, empowerment, training) as well as broader top-down organizational level interventions (supervisor training, manager guidance and organizational climate modification). Organizations are waking up to make the right call. And we are here to help.

Dr Shefali Batra has created diverse tools for emotional wellness evaluation, relaxation as well as mindfulness, all of which can be customized to preference in corporate wellness initiatives. All programs are customized, with flexibility in frequency, duration of workshops, analysis, assessment, educational material, and more. Please connect with us. We’re eager to make a difference.


  • Dierdorff, E. C., (2020). Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks. Harvard Business Review.
  • Aloher, M., (2008). Fighting a war against distraction. The New York Times.
  • Claessens, B. J. C., van Eerde, W., & Rutte, C. G. (2007). A review of the time management literature. Personnel Review, 36, 255-276.

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